Diseased Leaf

How to Identify & Treat Different Types of Lawn Disease

Lawn diseases can wreak havoc on your beautiful landscape if left untreated. As a homeowner, it's crucial to be able to identify the signs of various lawn diseases and take appropriate action to prevent further damage. In this guide, we will walk you through the most common types of lawn diseases and provide practical tips for their identification and treatment.

1. Brown Patch Disease:

Symptoms: Brown Patch Disease, caused by the Rhizoctonia fungus, typically appears as circular patches of brown or yellowing grass with a darker ring around the perimeter. The affected blades may have a slimy, water-soaked appearance and can easily be pulled out from the roots.

Conditions: Brown Patch thrives in warm and humid conditions, making it more prevalent during the hot summer months.

Prevention and Treatment: Avoid overwatering your lawn, especially at night, as this promotes fungal growth. Improve air circulation by pruning overhanging trees and shrubs. Fungicides may be necessary for severe cases, but proper lawn care practices are usually sufficient for prevention.

2. Dollar Spot:

Symptoms: Dollar Spot gets its name from the silver-dollar-sized patches it creates. The affected areas have straw-colored spots with reddish-brown edges on individual grass blades. These patches can merge to form larger damaged areas.

Conditions: Dollar Spot thrives in lawns with low nitrogen levels and in climates with high humidity and frequent dew formation.

Prevention and Treatment: Proper fertilization to maintain balanced nitrogen levels is crucial. Water your lawn in the early morning to allow grass blades to dry out during the day. Fungicides can be effective in controlling Dollar Spot.

3. Red Thread:

Symptoms: Red Thread disease is identifiable by pink or red thread-like structures that extend from the tips of affected grass blades. As the disease progresses, these structures may web together, leading to the appearance of irregular, discolored patches.

Conditions: Red Thread often occurs in cool, moist conditions and is more common in nitrogen-deficient lawns.

Prevention and Treatment: Regular fertilization, especially with nitrogen-rich fertilizers, helps prevent and manage Red Thread. Proper lawn aeration and reducing thatch buildup can also aid in controlling the disease.

4. Fusarium Blight:

Symptoms: Fusarium Blight presents as irregularly shaped patches of yellowing or brown grass. In the morning, affected areas may have a distinct reddish-brown border. In hot weather, the patches may have a "smoke ring" appearance.

Conditions: Fusarium Blight is prevalent in hot and humid weather, especially when the lawn remains wet for extended periods.

Prevention and Treatment: Avoid overwatering, and water in the early morning to allow the grass to dry during the day. Improving soil drainage and reducing thatch will help prevent Fusarium Blight. Fungicides may be necessary for severe cases.

5. Powdery Mildew:

Symptoms: Powdery Mildew appears as a white or grayish powdery substance on the grass blades, particularly on the upper surface. As the disease progresses, the affected grass may turn yellow and become stunted.

Conditions: Powdery Mildew thrives in humid conditions with low light and moderate temperatures.

Prevention and Treatment: Increase sunlight and air circulation in the lawn by pruning trees and shrubs. Water the lawn early in the day, so it has time to dry out. Fungicides may be required in severe cases.

In Conclusion

Lawn diseases can be challenging to deal with, but with the right knowledge and actions, you can effectively combat them. Remember, prevention is key, so maintaining a healthy lawn through proper watering, mowing, and fertilization practices is essential.

If you're unsure about the type of lawn disease affecting your landscape or need professional assistance in treating and preventing further damage, don't hesitate to reach out to Perm-O-Green to learn more about our services. Our experienced team of lawn care experts in Wichita Falls, TX, can diagnose the issue and provide tailored solutions to restore your lawn's health.
